Meet the Team
Master Plan Steering Committee

Taylor works as a Special Education Teacher for the Town of Westborough, supporting students with a wide variety of learning and emotional needs. She holds a Master's in Teaching, with a dual license in Elementary Education and Moderate Special Needs. She has an extensive background working with low-income and disadvantaged children with providing equitable education. She moved to Spencer in 2020 with her significant other and two dogs. Taylor is excited to help the Spencer Master Plan Committee in developing the future of the town.

Dennis graduated from Augusta College (in Augusta, GA) in 1976 and has worked in the computer field since that time. His experience includes programming, networks, and managing IT departments, in northern Virginia and Washington, DC. He accepted a management position with a manufacturing company (AIS) in Hudson in 2001 and he and his family moved to Massachusetts in 2001. They chose a house in Spencer and have been here since then. Their younger children were in elementary school at that time. Dennis currently works part time, from his home, continuing to do programming for the same company, AIS.

Carol and her husband Bob bought an old farm house in Spencer in 1961 and both were very involved in town affairs for about 50 years. While on the Zoning Board of Appeals, Carol participated in the first total re-write of the Zoning Bylaw and while she was a member of the Personnel Board, she participated in the re-write of the Personnel By-law and the town's job descriptions. She was on the the committee that wrote the special act that created the town administrator form of government for Spencer. She was the director of the stage show " Feelin' good About Spence" that raised $4000 for the Vietnam Memorial. She was also a volunteer tutor for many years and the volunteer station manager for Spencer Cable Access for 12 year. She loves the town of Spencer and is very interested in the future of our town.

Stephen has been a Spencer resident for over 20 years. Stephen also graduated from Anna Maria College, and is Vic President oh Human Resources at Polar Beverages.
Steve Carey​
Community Member

Vaughn Slack​
Planning Board Appointee